Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Quit While Yer Ahead

Can any of you tell me why YouTube hates me?
Because I don't think it likes my videos :(
I don't think anyone does anymore. I mean I took a hiatus and now its like everyone has abandoned me! I mean my insight is telling me my views have gone down, and people who were like 50 subs behind me have passed me out!!
I keep trying to make better videos, but I don't think its working :(
maybe I just lost my touch... maybe I should quit.


TheApprenticeRocker said...

Awh dont quit! really. maybe just give it a while for people to cop on to the fact that ur back on? It will happen! and, errr... i have NO WAY passed you out in subscribers!! i've had thirteen for a month now, lol.
why not Just do lyk a good sketch or sumthin. what about another epiphone versus yamaha sorta thing? now that was a good video =D
dont lose hope, my child (Yes, I'm trying to be Jesus)
Just think about it =)

Alexa said...

don't quit, I mean people do appreciate your videos. But if you want to get back on track, then get out there. Make assosiations, promote yourself.

dude your like more than 100 subscribers, if thats not enough to keep your spirits up, then Idon't know what is. :)
